Your credit score is one of the most important measures of your financial health. It tells lenders how responsibly you use credit. The better your score, the easier you will find it to be approved for new loans or new lines of credit, as well as your ability to successfully get a mortgage. However, your […]
Tag: credit score
Completing a fact find and be mortgage ready!
First-time buyer or home mover? Either way, know the process and be mortgage ready! On any new purchase, the selling agent will seek to agree a number of deadlines with you, including the arrangement of mortgage finance. At this point, you can shop around and should make sure that you speak to an independent mortgage […]
Are you financially prepared for the year ahead?
And so another year begins, have you made any resolutions? If not, make one to review your mortgage! Now that the election is out of the way and we have a ‘clearer’ route to Brexit, lenders will look at their strategies for the next few years and I’m sure somewhere in those plans will be reviewing their […]
Be prepared in advance of applying for a mortgage
When applying for finance, if you don’t appear on the electoral roll or don’t have any credit, some lenders may consider that you don’t exist, financially! This has been a hurdle in the finance world for some time, more so now with the evolution of technology. It seems that lenders only need to find the […]